
The Millbrook estate covers a significant area of Johnstown and is comprised of houses and apartments that are located to the East of Johnstown Peoples’ Park. Millbrook is a member estate of Johnstown Peoples’s Park and owners of properties within the estate are required to pay service charges that contribute to the upkeep of the park.

The Millbrook estate is made up of 213 homes (141 houses, 36 duplexes, 36 apartments).

Residents of both the houses and apartments can keep in touch on this Facebook Group.

Neighbourhood Watch

Millbrook currently does not have neighbourhood watch in place, however there are residents who would like to see the scheme in operation in the estate.

Information about the scheme can be found here

Volunteers are currently required to help manage and run the scheme. If you are interested, please email

Even if you have not got time to help run the scheme, please take 1-2 minutes to complete this survey*.

* All data collected in this survey will be kept secure and completely confidential. It will only be used for purposes of establishing the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Millbrook.