Johnstown Community Vs Hunt Capital & Bad Planning

It was an atrocious decision by Meath County Council to grant planning permission to Hunt Capital. The objections from the community appear to have been ignored. There is little, if any, difference between the first submission and the second submission. The only party that stands to benefit from this planning decision is Hunt Capital who will be increasing their profits and the size of their bank balance. We as a community will be left barely able to get out of our own homes due to the increased level of traffic that this development will bring. There will be 200+ additional cars accessing this mixed use development. This is on top of the inevitable increase in traffic as a result of the three housing developments that are currently being constructed which Meath County Council seems to have ignored. The meeting tomorrow evening (Thursday 1st February) at 7pm in O’Briens in Johnstown village is important. We as a community need to ensure this decision is appealed to An Bord Pleanála. Please attend the meeting if you can.

For more information on this development please see the following.

Community Facebook page against this development

Meath County Council planning website (Search NA/170997)

Planning Observation – Proposed Mixed Use Development

Observation Significant Information

Planners Report

Make Johnstown a safer place to live, work, and play…

The metges road which runs through Johnstown in County Meath is a hazard to all residents. Well in excess of 50% of motor vehicles that use this road do so at a speed that is well in excess of the 50km/h limit. This dangerous practice is putting lives at risk. There have already been a number of very serious accidents on this road in recent years. Do we have to wait until someone is killed before something is done? The solution is simple. The council need to approve and construct speed ramps which match the height and width of the existing raised pedestrian crossings such as those outside Supervalu / Johnstown Shopping Centre. If these are not installed then people will be killed just trying to get to the shop. Please support this petition to Meath County Council to provide these essential traffic calming measures: